Smart Vs foolish
There is the foolish and something interesting, when they discuss with their business-in Marketing Leadership Club, about stupid people and Expert. About you, including the categories which ya? Try some of our assessment statement this light: The foolish can be hard work, finally in bussines. To keep the business successful, he must necessarily recruit smart people. Hence BOSS person is smart people stupid. People often make stupid mistakes, then he recruit smart people who are never wrong to correct a wrong.
Hence gowk ordered for the purpose of the smart people stupid. People learn to get a smart certificate to get the next job. Gowk think as soon as possible to get money for proposals submitted paid smart people. People can not make a foolish speech text, then the people are smart to do so. Stupid person seems difficult to pass the law school (master of law) because of the stupid smart person ordered to make Act Laws Moron’s People. People are stupid -selling comment waffle, while the smart people believe. But more people have been smart because trust sorry for stupid people. But yet when the foolish people have already mentioned above.
The foolish to think something short to decide on the long-long thought by smart people, smart people Hence the staff person to be stupid. Gowk When business experience weariness, he dumped smart people who work . But those smart DEMO, Hence the wise lament-wail 'to keep people stupid so that given a job. But when the business gowk forward, is the person will spend time to work hard with a happy heart, while stupid people have to spend time fun with the family. gowk Mata always looking at what can make money. Eyes are always looking for smart people in the fields of job.
Bill gate (Microsoft), Dell, Hendri (Ford), Alfa Thomas Edison, Tommy Suharto, Liem Siu Liong (BCA group). It is the people (never could S1) that is rich. Thousands of smart people working for them. And tens of thousands of lives of families who depend on smart people stupid.
Febrian jack
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